Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Webquests

What is a WebQuests?

A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet, optionally supplemented with videoconferencing. it is designed to make the best use of a learner's time.

There are two levels of WebQuests:
The short term webquests and the long term webquets. The goal of this short term webquests is for knowledge acquisition and integration, and for a long term webquests is to extend and refine ones knowledge.

-WebQuests are most likely to be group activities, although one could imagine solo quests that might be applicable in distance education or library settings.

-WebQuests might be enhanced by wrapping motivational elements around the basic structure and by giving the learners a role to play.

-WebQuests can be designed within a single discipline or they can be interdisciplinary. Given that designing effective interdisciplinary instruction is more of a challenge than designing for a single content area, WebQuest creators should probably start with the latter until they are comfortable with the format.

.......A webquests can help the teachers to lessen their works in a way that the teachers will now only facilitate and then give some assignments or a sort of a task. This also help the teacher to assest the students and lead them to the right answer through scoffolding. Same as also with the students, they are now the constructor of knowledge and the webquests will help them to get all the informations they want in the easiest and fastest way. And through this webquests, the students can learn more especially by the activities they had, they are also encourage to apply what they have learned into the other domain of learning.

.......Yes,now a days people believed that nothing is impossible with the new technologies invented. These technologies bring big impact on the part of the teachers and on the students as will.

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